aliens drive dolphins
2004-12-13 4:49 pm

11:24 am

ME: things are lookin' up
DB: mhm, they sure are
ME: its almost like im a human bean again
DB: hehe, a human bean
DB: hahahaha
ME: although i dreampt of aliens
ME: and my ex bf
DB: really? Albygocougs: and lom
DB: :-(
ME: mhm
DB: not fun
ME: wasnt bad
DB: really?
ME: just... bizarre
ME: as most alien dreams tend to be, i imagine
DB: mhm, maybe all 3 of you got abducted
ME: heheh
DB: and the aliens cured some of your sickness
ME: yes
ME: that must be it
DB: mhm, i'll tell my dad about it
ME: all three of us were abducted from the pretty beach
ME: okay
DB: that's weird, where was the beach?
ME: usually the beach is in the pacific someplace
ME: so, it may have been california
ME: or hawaii
ME: or some other non-existant place
DB: usually? the beach where you get abducted?
ME: well, daniel, the abduction was your addition to the story
ME: in my dream, there was a beach
DB: right... but the aliens
ME: the aliens were at the beach
DB: oh ok
ME: flying around in rubber dolphins and such
ME: i told you, bizarre
ME: not real looking rubber dolphins
DB: oh man, you must have been happy
ME: kids toys
DB: and that's why it wasn't bad
ME: it was kind of interesting
DB: endolphins and kids toys
DB: i bet you were smiling
ME: hehe
ME: first i was walking along the beach and turned toward the water and there was a huge octopus on the sand
ME: i was concerned for its safety, it really should be in the water
ME: but i wasnt about to go touch it and get all entangled and drown while helping it
DB: hmmm, good call
ME: i looked up toward the beach and people were walking down, so i thought maybe they were coming to look or help
ME: and i looked back out at the water and these divers and surfers were coming up from the water
ME: but they looked weird
ME: something about their nose and eyes.... they were all the same
ME: and they all had blonde hair
ME: at some point i realized this was how i could tell if someone was an alien
ME: they all had the same eyes and nose
DB: blonde's are aliens?
ME: i was walking away from the beach toward the road and i was noticing an awful lot of these folks are aliens
ME: no, blondes are not aliens
DB: haha
DB: oh, ok, the weird eyes and nose
ME: but a lot of aliens were blondes
ME: mhm
DB: can you draw a picture of it?
ME: no
ME: i wish
DB: :-( what if we hypnotize you?
ME: lol
ME: no, probably still couldnt
DB: :-(
DB: can we try?
ME: im super bad w/ drawing what i see in my head
ME: if you want we can
DB: woohoo!
ME: lol
ME: i got up to the road, and on the other side of the road is another beach
ME: and on that side i saw aliens flying in rubber dolphins
ME: like the kind that have peach as the main body color and a white belly and then giant blue eyes with eyelashes
ME: so, definately blow up floaty TOY dolphins
DB: hmmm, that sounds like a fun time
ME: i kept walking on the road, and there were aliens flying above and all over
ME: then i started to wonder if this was an invasion
ME: were the aliens hostile?
ME: hostile toward me?
ME: clearly, it seemed to me they had a good population on the "island" or wherever i was
DB: did they scare you?
ME: i dont think they did so intentionally
DB: ok
ME: i think thats all i remember about that
ME: im not sure if/how the other dreams fit
ME: you gonna be a dream analysist?
DB: do you analyze dreams or take them at face value?
ME: depends
DB: i tend to suck at analyzing dreams
ME: sometimes i just write about them
ME: and dont analyze or take them at face value

* * *

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