archive: 2006-03-07 - weather or not
2006-03-02 - My Flight
2006-02-28 - poetree in motion
2006-02-25 - ultimate personality test
2006-02-22 - limerick e-trip
2006-02-22 - tax season
2006-02-20 - a little known fact
2006-02-16 - so i shall go
2006-02-11 - shauna burns
2006-02-10 - general updating
2006-02-05 - parentheses party
2006-01-09 - albino squirrel
2006-01-03 - dreaming of a crampless shoulder
2005-12-27 - selling Reflections painting
2005-12-25 - circular logic?
2005-12-24 - general crappiness
2005-12-01 - going tarot
2005-11-24 - thanks giving kicks my ass
2005-11-15 - excitement
2005-11-14 - open for bizniz
2005-11-13 - beer
2005-11-12 - for a good time, eat at asgard
2005-11-09 - yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
2005-11-06 - Petal Time Clock
2005-11-03 - home again
2005-10-30 - san diego check in
2005-10-24 - THIS is what BETTER feels like
2005-10-19 - buh-bye paxil, hello withdrawl
2005-10-18 - jingle all the way
2005-10-15 - abdb quotes
2005-10-11 - pedestrians beware
2005-10-10 - because underwear has meaning
2005-10-03 - morsels
2005-09-27 - the jury is out on this one
2005-09-25 - quizzically speaking
2005-09-25 - let the madness begin!
2005-09-23 - spending cuts
2005-09-21 - today's exciting development
2005-09-20 - looting locks
2005-09-18 - cousin fidel
2005-09-13 - life, balance, and plans
2005-09-08 - riotous laughter in the bush's
2005-09-07 - i dont drive but...
2005-09-03 - the countdown
2005-08-25 - the great american mousecapade
2005-08-22 - i deserve a break today
2005-08-20 - show me the dough
2005-08-19 - busy bee
2005-08-18 - i heart magoo
2005-08-18 - bizarroland
2005-08-14 - on the road of life there are drivers and there are passengers. new england drivers wanted.
2005-08-10 - mail girl
2005-08-09 - pronounced "will-oh-bee"
2005-08-08 - chronically tardy
2005-08-08 - getting good vibes
2005-08-05 - kitty porn
2005-08-04 - misses cat strikes again
2005-08-02 - bulldozing jamaica plain
2005-08-01 - cookie dough masochism
2005-07-31 - today's events
2005-07-30 - i heart db
2005-07-28 - finnishing touches
2005-07-27 - you know global warming has arrived when...
2005-07-27 - 24 hr blues
2005-07-26 - i paint, therefore i am
2005-07-24 - b*tching about traveling
2005-07-22 - backrash
2005-07-21 - ending days of seattle trip
2005-07-20 - yay 29
2005-07-15 - my internet
2005-07-10 - westerly rambles
2005-07-06 - all we need is love
2005-07-05 - vehicular observations from a cultural outsider who once was a cultural insider
2005-06-30 - pink and blue geek girl
2005-06-29 - mosquito attack
2005-06-28 - endless days of summer
2005-06-25 - the great leech adventure of 2005
2005-06-25 - vermontian trivia
2005-06-20 - i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
2005-06-19 - bonjour!
2005-06-14 - vermontian update
2005-06-13 - hello from vermont
2005-06-12 - moving day
2005-06-10 - my so-called interesting life
2005-06-08 - free productivity
2005-06-08 - got beach?
2005-06-06 - creepy guy at jp licks
2005-06-05 - enough mush already
2005-06-03 - kissing tiffany with 6 different moves
2005-05-31 - a friend wants to know
2005-05-31 - new rules
2005-05-30 - what im asking for
2005-05-30 - im changing my name to "damn good stuff"
2005-05-28 - paintbrunch
2005-05-28 - look what happens when the sun shines
2005-05-27 - i heart amazon, since 1997
2005-05-27 - auctions and book sale
2005-05-24 - random gossip without phones on picture day
2005-05-19 - poetic melancholy
2005-05-19 - take my stuff - PLEASE
2005-05-18 - moths stuck painting ice cream
2005-05-17 - june bug blues
2005-05-16 - the word i cant spell
2005-05-15 - where is everybody?
2005-05-13 - coming together
2005-05-09 - howdy cuz
2005-05-06 - battleaxe in jail
2005-05-04 - scarble for the kiddies
2005-05-01 - i shall lead you to the holy cuteness
2005-04-26 - spring cold
2005-04-25 - meditate a kiddie masterpiece
2005-04-23 - emotional vertigo
2005-04-23 - robots in mexico
2005-04-19 - top 10 reasons to celebrate db's 21st birthday
2005-04-17 - fruity brighton eve
2005-04-14 - i dont heart taxes
2005-04-13 - part-time destiny
2005-04-10 - shakespear meets madlibs
2005-04-10 - gossamer cornfilter
2005-04-08 - artist for hire
2005-04-06 - watery emotions
2005-04-05 - go with the flow
2005-04-05 - piggy tails
2005-3-29 - what is wrong with people?
2005-03-29 - cuticle clippers pose international security threat
2005-03-28 - jayZ is a figment of my xy axis
2005-03-27 - serious tequila and $1 guns
2005-03-26 - where are the resturaunts?
2005-03-25 - surprisingly long honeymoon
2005-03-24 - onward to mexico
2005-03-22 - in the priming of my life
2005-03-21 - insync nodding to crack
2005-03-21 - mexico, she inspires me
2005-03-20 - i heart los cabos
2005-03-17 - directions to get out of the cold
2005-03-16 - lots of thinking at the river
2005-03-14 - weekend update
2005-03-12 - i can't believe you're...
2005-03-10 - santa loves cardboard
2005-03-09 - exorsizing is a kraft
2005-03-08 - stuff in my drawers
2005-03-08 - heaven sent dressers
2005-03-07 - relaxed
2005-03-05 - spring oreos and you
2005-03-04 - unpretty sugar anxiety
2005-03-03 - the plan
2005-03-03 - money, money changes everything
2005-02-28 - oscar mayer dogs
2005-02-25 - done painting
2005-02-24 - a blazing inferno that i like to call pink
2005-02-23 - the color of dessert
2005-02-22 - dahling terracotta
2005-02-21 - the L Words
2005-02-19 - beach boys
2005-02-17 - picking a lip syncing art buffet
2005-02-16 - dinonaut dance party in fairyland
2005-02-15 - blissful lesbian ice cream monkey
2005-02-15 - the best valentines day ever
2005-02-13 - multi-dimensional coffee
2005-02-11 - friday is brilliant day
2005-02-10 - apple cider battle
2005-02-09 - observations and explanations
2005-02-09 - marriage, communication, friends
2005-02-08 - its in my eye!
2005-02-07 - love one
2005-02-07 - vermont weekend, in a nutshell
2005-02-03 - tribal negotiations in vermont
2005-02-01 - lost and found... less
2005-01-31 - errands
2005-01-30 - drunk on grapenuts and silk
2005-01-28 - moved
2005-01-27 - boxes for moving
2005-01-26 - hot water update
2005-01-26 - oh hot water, where art thou?
2005-01-26 - tasting bliss... on credit
2005-01-25 - benny's moving company
2005-01-24 - snow gimps
2005-01-18 - "to be" and "to do" lists
2005-01-17 - hate update
2005-01-15 - the shining
2005-01-11 - sing a song of six pence, a pocket full of rye
2005-01-09 - the incredible shrinking woman
2005-01-09 - you
2005-01-07 - where do i start?
2005-01-06 - 4evah
2005-01-05 - burried in the stacks
2005-01-02 - clutter kills
2005-01-01 - happy freakin' new year
2004-12-30 - db's dyxlesic paranoia
2004-12-27 - here confidence! c'mere confidence! c'mon girl, i know you're out there!
2004-12-27 - short cut
2004-12-26 - my three favorite games
2004-12-25 - just like christmas
2004-12-24 - everything about you
2004-12-23 - the L word
2004-12-22 - Quiz, Bands-Song Titles
2004-12-21 - kissing, duct tape, and flying daggers
2004-12-19 - IB Profin, the new candy
2004-12-16 - the gift that keeps on giving
2004-12-16 - recovering
2004-12-13 - aliens drive dolphins
2004-12-12 - scrabble
2004-12-11 - im seeing things and thats not a joke
2004-12-11 - i want my mommy
2004-12-11 - hungry and full
2004-12-10 - nightmare on my street
2004-12-09 - having the flu is just like being pregnant
2004-12-08 - the kind that kills babies and old people
2004-12-06 - she's crafty
2004-12-05 - everybody was kung fu painting
2004-12-05 - went to bed and bumped her head and...
2004-12-04 - the worst thing about being single
2004-12-03 - i heart lymph nodes
2004-12-02 - purity test
2004-12-02 - things that make you go "hmmm"
2004-12-01 - i dream of toohey
2004-12-01 - omg! its them!!!
2004-11-30 - Investing 101
2004-11-28 - chocolate grasshoppers
2004-11-28 - so many houses
2004-11-27 - intentioning my next purchase
1980-5-18 - eruption
2004-11-25 - giving thanx
2004-11-25 - kinsey
2004-11-23 - so fresh so clean
2004-11-22 - hi, im albygocougs, and im recovering from a relationship
2004-11-20 - the hours
2004-11-20 - herstorical amnesia
2004-11-18 - conversations with DB
2004-11-18 - just be
2004-11-17 - the crazy genius strikes again!
2004-11-15 - the trolly, the dolly and the broken elevator
2004-11-15 - apples to apples
2004-11-14 - carnival glasses
2004-11-13 - better
2004-11-13 - are you wondering if im okay?
2004-11-13 - denial
2004-11-12 - blind
2004-11-12 - in which albygocougs realizes she minimized herself while attempting to minimize someone else's pain
2004-11-12 - my pagan familiar is a sea otter?
2004-11-11 - just another day in officeland
2004-11-10 - Wood, Cold-formed Steel and FPSF
2004-11-09 - another failed attempt at analogies
2004-11-09 - foundation
2004-11-08 - ass-u-me
2004-11-06 - sleeping with lipstick
2004-11-05 - Take THIS! GW
2004-11-04 - nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue
2004-11-03 - Monster
2004-11-03 - 7000 precincts to go
2004-11-02 - damn it, its me
2004-11-02 - King of Cups
2004-10-31 - are you lonesome tonight?
2004-10-29 - vampires go home
2004-10-28 - a most auspicious day
2004-10-27 - a Bushel full of laughter and tears
2004-10-26 -
2004-10-23 - in which amy admits her fragility
2004-10-22 - Ice T, Missing Bear, Pumpkin Dumping and Leaf Rubbing
2004-10-22 - fuck you
2004-10-20 - New Red Sox Slogan
2004-10-20 - Harry Potter and the Quidditch World Series
2004-10-20 - save me lord
2004-10-19 - a red sox moment
2004-10-19 - to be sung to the tune of happy birthday
2004-10-18 - five hours and two minutes
2004-10-17 - celebrity sighting
2004-10-16 - in which amy discovers the challenges of not living with my best friend
2004-10-14 - the titanic
2004-10-13 - top 5s
2004-10-11 - national coming out day
2004-10-10 - drowning in books
2004-10-09 - adopted writers unite
2004-10-09 - packed with action and adventure
2004-10-08 - creepy crawlies
2004-10-07 - death of a squirrel
2004-10-06 - haymaking
2004-10-05 - this is your life!
2004-10-01 - belief-o-matic
2004-09-30 - peace and serenity
2004-09-28 - tourette's
2004-09-27 - psychic breakup
2004-09-25 - mutiny
2004-09-24 - this moment
2004-09-23 - in which amy pleads innocent due to temporary insanity
2004-09-22 - barefoot in the city
2004-09-21 - the perspective of love and compassion
2004-09-20 - so many heart to hearts
2004-09-19 - ever so sweet
2004-09-19 - a good time was had by all
2004-09-18 - because, sometimes we just need to hear "im sorry"
2004-09-15 - when did i turn into such a girl?
2004-09-14 - welcome to clearway
2004-09-12 - my moon ascending the mohegan sun
2004-09-10 - show me the money
2004-09-09 - i paint, therefore i am
2004-09-07 - i will exist
2004-09-06 - let it happen
2004-09-05 - adventure in truth
2004-09-03 - in case anyone cares
2004-09-02 - i love my babies
2004-09-01 - one of those days
2004-08-31 - metamorphosis
2004-08-30 - dairyland
2004-08-27 - bomboa
2004-08-27 - Hair
2004-08-26 - forgive me kitty, for i have sinned
2004-08-25 - my eventful day
2004-08-23 - wild goose chase
2004-08-22 - wakey wakey
2004-08-22 - the seventh day
2004-08-20 - i am sam, sam i am
2004-08-20 - i am safe
2004-08-19 - not so funny
2004-08-18 - im bAAAaaack
2004-08-16 - cant breathe
2004-08-15 - POP QUIZ
2004-08-14 - yard sale ---->
2004-08-12 - let me take you on an escapade
2004-08-12 - star gazing
2004-08-11 - whenever i want you all i have to do is dream
2004-08-11 - an ass out of u and me
2004-08-10 - back in style
2004-08-07 - the embassy
2004-08-07 - the flying pig
2004-08-06 - does it really rain in seattle?
2004-08-05 - my friend's sister, britney
2004-08-05 - cant help falling
2004-08-04 - that's the mommy
2004-08-02 - money changes everything
2004-08-01 - will i stay or should i go?
2004-07-30 - my life, a sci-fi comedy
2004-07-29 - intentioning brilliance!
2004-07-28 - fly berry birdee bird
2004-07-27 - the have more's
2004-07-27 - haunted
2004-07-25 - around the edges
2004-07-24 - democracy
2004-07-23 - my diamond
2004-07-23 - home on the range
2004-07-22 - Arrrrrrr
2004-07-21 - victory dance
2004-07-20 - its me birthday
2004-07-19 - the dry runs
2004-07-19 - topsyturvy
2004-07-19 - birthday suits
2004-07-16 - night night
2004-07-17 - zombies
2004-07-16 - dirty monkey
2004-07-15 - adoption rumors
2004-07-15 - signs
2004-07-14 - crack kills
2004-07-14 - spackle me
2004-07-13 - the old man is snoring
2004-07-12 - the queens roses
2004-07-11 - just me
2004-07-10 - faeries by the dozen
2004-07-09 - like water for chocolate
2004-07-08 - circles
2004-07-08 - wear sunscreen
2004-07-07 - what a character
2004-07-07 - under pressure
2004-07-06 - sumbudy betta call the doctah
2004-07-06 - the zen of amy
2004-07-05 - get the funk out
2004-07-05 - the pepsi challenge
2004-07-05 - my phat frat
2004-07-04 - good company
2004-07-03 - london crosswalks
2004-06-30 - back in the USA
2004-06-29 - a little telly never hurt anyone
2004-06-28 - off with his head!
2004-06-27 - SOS... please send food
2004-06-26 - Way Out...
2004-06-25 - london bridge is falling down...
2004-06-24 - back to the hotel
2004-06-23 - up up and away!
2004-06-22 - 1.8 Mile
2004-06-21 - i like your boobs, adendum
2004-06-21 - International Gnome Day
2004-06-20 - i like your boobs, part 2
2004-06-20 - i like your boobs, part 1
2004-06-19 - two days
2004-06-18 - Poetic Moment #1
2004-06-18 - angry
2004-06-17 - money moon
2004-06-17 - elephants
2004-06-16 - mud pie
2004-06-15 - sexuality, part 4
2004-06-14 - I Am Flexible and Flowing
2004-06-14 - Monday Monday, laaa laaa, laa la-la la
2004-06-12 - Happy Gay Day!
2004-06-11 - Two on the McCourt
2004-06-10 - a room of one's own
2004-06-09 - 98 degrees
2004-06-09 - bestfriendster
2004-06-07 - 19 Hours
2004-06-06 - if you're happy and you know it...
2004-06-05 - a beautiful day in the neighborhood
2004-06-03 - canvas captive
2004-06-01 - june
2004-05-31 - 'splainen
2004-05-31 - sexuality, part 3... fulfillment
2004-05-30 - sexuality, part 2... biphobic
2004-05-30 - sexuality, part 1... EOF
2004-05-29 - lips
2004-05-28 - its a floater
2004-05-27 - slugnut
2004-05-26 - introducing King Gough
2004-05-26 - sleepless in boston
2004-05-25 - temporary tacos
2004-05-24 - i was a teenage werewolf
2004-05-23 - SNL
current / archives

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