cousin fidel
2005-09-18 3:42 pm

dreampt i was a cuban revolutionary with fidel castro. and as his second in command was a highly important person, indeed.

we were in constant battle for our lives. assasins were everywhere, focused mainly on fidel but with a hit list a mile long. fidel created a masterful plan to delay the assasinations of his highest ranked using a series of "decoys". the plan would give each new commander plenty of time to continue the struggle if fidel were to ever be assasinated himself.

the brilliant plan was as follows:
since all revolutionaries were ranked, and numbered according to rank, decoys would be inserted into the high ranks with appropriate numbers. publicly the decoys would be refered to as second, third, fourth in command, while privately the actual folks of high rank would continue on as before.

if fidel were assasinated, all assassins would focus on the poor bloke they thought was next in command. this would keep each commander off the assassination list long enough to carry out our mission.

our mission: to over-throw the batista party (the crooked rich party controling the government), reclaim land and businesses from the USA who backed the batista party, and install a socialist democracy for cuba.

fidel was #60 in rank, and although i was technically #59 we pretended i was #58.

i was spying on someone, caught them selling out the revolution and brought this to fidel's attention. fidel and i had a rather complex plan which included the traitor witnessing fidel kill me. i can only imagine this was in an effort to have the traitor both spread the word that i was out of the picture and that fidel was perfectly willing and able to kill his own if necessary.

kneeling, with my face pressed into the dirt and gravel, i took deep breaths, assuring myself that death would mean peace and that i would feel no pain. i tried to remember what fidel had told me... "when you are dying, you will feel nothing. your body will be flooded with light. the light will flood all of your vision and you will see only beauty. you will be okay, i can promise you this."

i heard a loud shot and my head jumped as the bullet penetrated. but it was all just as cousin fidel had promised. i felt nothing and a beautiful white light poured in from all around.

the next thing i know fidel is waking me. i am dizzy and feel naseaus. cousin fidel holds my hand and i hear him talking but the words are too soft to hear. as i look around i can see that i am in what was once his room in his grandmothers home. he sits in a chair at my side.

my vision, first blurred, becomes clear with time, as does my hearing. cousin fidel is praying for my healing. in fact, i know he has healed me himself, for there is a great legend about this man i call cousin. it has been said he is the chosen one who will deliver us from evil. he is a man of peace and love for humankind.

i cry out to him "cousin fidel, cousin fidel!" it felt like an eternity since i last set eyes on him. while asleep i had dreampt of his death and it broke my heart. it is with tremendous joy i see him by my side, alive and well.

"my cousin," a tear trickles down his face, filled with compassion. "sleep my cousin. you will feel yourself tomorrow. there is still much work to be done before this beard can be shaved. rest now, i will hold your heart."

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