my so-called interesting life
2005-06-10 3:42 am

ordered new business cards today... without my address. honestly, i think they are quite clever... my tag line? Trust your intuition. for those of you who know that i am self-employed as a life coach, you will agree that its mysterious yet poignent.

anyway, talked to db's mom this evening. she was watching jump rope championship or something. we had a great convo and she is excited to teach me knitting, yay! we also seem to share some other interests... quilting, hoarding junk, being disorganized... wait... only one of those is an interest, the other two are bad habits. hehe. sounds like we are both trying to clear our clutter.

apparently i ate way too many chocolate covered raisins and now im all hopped up on caffeine. god damn raisins having caffiene... oh, right... the chocolate. well, lets just skips this rant then.

im still getting tension headaches and it makes me... tense. lom suggested i do some yoga and maybe breathe a bit. ive actually been trying that but i keep getting distracted by all the crap i need to do. funny that.

working on changing my address with all the damn places that send me crap via snail mail. it shall be fun changing my address again in merely 2 months. oy vey. i imagine banks, credit card companies and all sorts of other mail senders hate my nomadic guts. guess i should have gotten a PO Box when i moved here... but i couldnt have guessed id move so damn much.

hmm, oh! i created some new products at my store. you might even want some. stranger things have happened.

plus, ive been selling my artwork and creating new stuff. gotta release the old to make way for the new.

um, and what else.... worked on my art website. i think i shall finish it up within a couple weeks. yay!

db is coming here tomorrow and we shall have a lovely weekend before heading back to VT where i shall live for 2 months.

okay, ive grown bored. peace out.

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7 8

weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

now / earlier

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my artwork / my store

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