i was a teenage werewolf
2004-05-24 10 am

i dream about school a lot. usually the school reminds me of Eisenhower Middle, with a big domed circley building where all the classrooms live, and the office is in the center.

i think this was my first ever werewolf dream... at least, that i can remember.

at first it seemed that only one or two people were werewolves. i couldnt be sure who was or wasn't because, lets face it, most teenagers look the same.

although i never made a habit of wandering around school in the dark, it was night time and the ground was the charcol grey color of a recent rain. a yellow lamp light reflected off the pavement.

this boy came toward me, quickly i realized he must be a werewolf. of course, this prompted him to know that i knew, consequently requiring him to open his mouth, having his massive werewolf teeth and gums jump out at me (see Alien the movie), which was really the only way you could actually confirm someone was a werewolf.

like any rational teenager confronted by a werewolf i ran for the nearest series of deadends... mostly consisting of classrooms with second doors and bathrooms with small windows.

once inside, i attempted to close and lock the door. to no one's surprise but my own, the werewolf would arrive at the door just as i nearly had it shut and s/he would push at the door, preventing me from completely closing it, which of course hampers my ability to lock the door and be safe from harm.

quickly, i realized that there were many many werewolves. instinctively, the moment that i recognized someone was a werewolf, they simultaneously recognized that i was fair game. this caused me much panic.

finally, it occurred to me that i was dreaming. (yeah, im a lucid dreamer and can do some wicked cool shtuff). i remembered that werewolves could not fly and immediately lept into the air, hovering as long as possible before needing to return to the ground to make another leap (play Nintendo's Mario 3 for examples).

after several successful leaps bringing me into the bright sunshiney day, i woke up with an urge to pee and went directly to the bathroom. my classmate was in there too, so i closed the door, dropped my pajama pants and promptly sat on the toilet. as i was groggily telling her about my dream i looked up at the door and the medicine cabinet to the left. wait, my medicine cabinet doesnt have a silver nob... im still dreaming. a werewolf breaks through the door....

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