King of Cups
2004-11-02 11:24 am

Just so you know, I'm calling the election for Kerry.

I know, you think its far too early to go calling anyone a winner.

Last presidential election I had this horrible feeling... and I did a celtic cross tarot reading to see who would win. It was remarkable. Ihe cards indicated that there would be a struggle, an internal conflict. It would look one way, then it would seem another - things would go back and forth. But the final outcome was not what people wanted.

Mmhmm, thats the way it went.

Well, on my way out the door this morning to go vote, I pulled a single card.

Yup, just one.

It was the King of Cups.

For folks unfamiliar with tarot and the meanings of various cards, I shall explain. Remember that tarot cards use symbology, so it is not a coincidence that some things seem obvious.

First, the King of Cups is a court card. Kings represent powerful males and authority. Cups represent water, the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, as well as emotion and heart. The King of Cups is a man with great heart. Although, he may not be outwardly emotional, it is his deep passion and wisdom that motivate his actions, rather than greed, materialism, or a hunger for power.

"The King of Cups is wise and understanding with a deep knowledge of the world that comes from the heart. He is a teacher and way-shower who guides his students with loving attention. He cares about others sincerely and always responds to their needs with compassion. He heals with a gentle touch and a quiet word. He is calm and relaxed in all situations, seeming to know intuitively what is called for at any moment. Others turn to him for advice because they know he will listen attentively. There is always a peacefulness around him which others respond to. He is tolerant of all points of view and shows patience in the most trying circumstances. He gives others freedom to grow and develop in their own ways without asking anything in return."

"On the surface, the appearance is likely to reflect a person who is calm and unreachable but inwardly, there lurks a deep passion. It is generally assumed that the King of Cups can be easily influenced, but this is more often than not simply an illusion and he secretly makes use of any and all information that he gathers."


Also, a co-worker sent this link from her mother, about the Red Skins football game determining the election outcome.

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