Way Out...
2004-06-26 10:32 pm

9:00 GMT
wake, shower, groom, dress, exit room

10:00 GMT
order a waffle from the dessert menu asking them to hold the ice cream and caramel sauce and just slice a banana over it. skeptically, they oblige. sadly, i chew the waffle, feeling each grain of sugar crunch between my teeth. note to self - if it's on the dessert menu, it is not a good breakfast item.

11:00 GMT
walk to Harrods gigantic, themed store to begin our shopping adventure. it is very very huge. it occupies an entire city block and has an Egyptian themed section which spans 5 floors. there are dozens of restuarants. i have never seen anything like this. shock and awe, GW, shock and awe.

13:00 GMT
caesar salad and strawberry crepe at Harrods. once again, i am disappointed by the English "culinary" arts. LOM and i explore the possibilities of opening a restaurant that actually serves yummy food.

14:00 GMT
we head to Piccadilly Circus where we inadvertantly find ourselves as onlookers to the Olympic Torch running by. as we shop, i realize, again, how beautiful i am.

19:00 GMT
we find a "fancy" french restaurant (according to the bouncer) and eat good food for a decent price. its about time.


* * *

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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