london bridge is falling down...
2004-06-25 12:19 GMT

5:00 GMT
sleeping is definately underrated.

6:00 GMT
after a night of tossing and turning and waking several times, i finally get out of bed to begin reading "Dude, where's my country?" by Michael Moore. only making it through the first chapter im already shocked and awed by what mike has uncovered and the media never told us. but i save this for another entry.

8:00 GMT
we start our adventure with a nice "hearty" breakfast. LOM ordered Small English Breakfast which consisted of funny fluffy scrambled eggs, a big not-so-yummy sausage, ham, fried tomato, baked beans, toast, and coffee. i went for the "American Pancakes" thinking i would get... american pancakes. they were certainly similar, but not mom's or even bisquick... and they were dainty.

9:00 GMT
we take the Tube to see the Tower of London - a cute and impressive little place that i would LOVE to live. in fact, if i can get hired on as a grounds keeper or Yeowoman i might get a room in one of the swanky german-style cottages the other groundskeepers and Yeopersons live. seems like a good deal to me.

At the Tower of London, besides a never ending display of weaponry, jewels, and school children, i saw my very first ever raven. have you ever seen one of these suckers??? i can guarantee it was at least the size of Sydney, if not larger. and its caw reminded me of an electronically produced sound Mario might make while jumping over turtles. i had to chase the fcker but i was able to snap a couple pictures which i hope to be able to attach once we return home.

12:00 GMT
we cross the cute painted bridge easily mistaken as the London Bridge by foreigners, however the London Bridge is the next bridge down and is very very very boring and uneventful... fair lady, it may have been better if it really had fallen down.

13:00 GMT
lunch - baked potatoes... honestly, there arent a lot of food options here and most of the food the Brits eat is bland, buttery, creamed, or some other version of high fat/cholesterol and low taste.

13:30 GMT
pitstop at Simply Food for a box of strawberries.

14:00 GMT
next stop, Tate Modern. this amazing and interesting art museum controversially groups its pieces by genre instead of by period. the museum lives in an old factory/warehouse which creates quite a unique and amusing contradiction considering how loudly modern art has often spoken to the grotesqueness of mass production and celebrity. add to that any artist's interest in the production and sale of the images and objects they create, and you've got yourself an interesting paradox. ha! i love it!

16:30 GMT
pitstop at KFC for something filling and tasty (namely, chicken).

17:00 GMT
we arrive back at our hotel, relax a bit and wanting to makes sure we can take in all the necessary sites we look through our guide books to plan our itinerary for the remainer of the trip.

what will we do next??? tune in to find out.

* * *

7 8

weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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