back in the USA
2004-06-30 7:36 pm


it was a long day with a long flight, but fortunately i have a knack for sleeping on and off through any kind of travel.

the Tube strike didn't help the matter and LOM was kind enough to pay for our taxi to the airport.

we flew Virgin Airlines, and i have to say i am seriously impressed. it was like a little party or something. plenty of food and beverages, movies, tv, video games, parting gifts... all that was missing was roller skates.

Sydney didn't offer much of a greeting. im not sure if she's mad at us for leaving her while we went on vacation or if its her grumpy time of the month. yeah, her moods and temperament are actually very affected by the moon's cycle. it can be endearing, but what i really want is cuddles right now, not cold stares.

i shall miss London, and i think i will definately return. but next time, i must have a kitchen so i can make my own food.

...speaking of which, its dinner time and we are heading to the Cheesecake Factory for some greens!

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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