my phat frat
2004-07-05 1:30 am

it was a real party today. LOM cooked all morning and i made corn on the cob. we brought it with us for the BBQ we had at SNLs dorm.

a squirrel, possibly the one we earlier saw eating an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich, was spying on us from behind the tree and plotting to get some of our tasty morsels.

the grill was missing parts, so LOM bought a new one for only $20 at Stah Mahket and assembled it. i had to light the match though. oddly enough i was the only one who hadnt taken cover.

after party, we moved the party to my and LOMs condo for some pre-fireworking karaoke. i got lots of attention from friends and it was really really fuzzy feeling. so was the cider jack. i love cider jack, he's my new best friend.

after everyone left, i got some overnight stuff together and headed to my new home down the street. its a little more wild here than i anticipated, but people are friendly and willing to use their physics degree to open your cider jack for you without a bottle opener. unfortunately they have not discovered how to use their massive intelligence to prevent puking their guts out from binge drinking. only in an MIT frat.

im hanging out with my best friend howie day right now. he just so understands me in every way. im glad tori amos introduced us at her concert a couple years ago.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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