adopted writers unite
2004-10-09 9:57 pm

as a child i often contemplated how it was i came to be adopted by my wholly irresponsible and disfunctional parents.

it boggled my mind how a 17 year old dropout and 23 year old pothead turned cokehead would be allowed by the state to adopt a perfectly healthy and adorable baby such as myself.

what insane bible-thumping Christians made it necessary for my biological parents to decide that my adoptive parents were acceptable enough. and who on earth would go through so much trouble to fabricate a birth certificate that indicated the biological connection between me and these completely unqualified people?

no, it just didnt make sense. clearly, i was abducted from my real family or found in a basket on the doorstep of my adoptive mother one day. i was far to smart to belong to these irresponsible children, and they were far too irresponsible and dysfunctional to have been allowed to adopt me.

it turns out im not the only one with such childhood ponderings. Augusten Buroughs and David Sedaris are two excellent examples of writers with perfectly bizzarre and abusive upbringings who were also absolutely convinced, as children, they must be adopted or have been kidnapped.

do all children of dysfunctional families find themselves wondering if they were adopted? are such pondersings limited to us, or do children of functional families ponder such things as well?

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My Flight - 2006-03-02
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