2005-08-18 12:10 am

back in boston and starting to taper off my medication. today is day two of the reduction. or is it day three?

anyway, ive gone from 20mg to 15mg and will stay here for a week or so. im already feeling it... i think... or it could be in combo w/ pms. unsure.

extremely emotionally sensitive and unusually irritable. careful what you say, i dont want to end up sobbing.

slightly paranoid about safety due to kitty meowing incessantly at closets. i think we might have mice or something - i cant imagine any other reason the closets would be so appealing. unless there are kitty treats strewn about, which there arent.

thirsty as a dried out sponge. (i made that up myself). and having a glass of wine... and a jug of water.

spent time grooming my lovely face, and unpacking from my wild new england adventures. and of course i spent plenty of time playing on neopets because its a good time waster and really i didnt feel like doing much.

db is coming to visit tomorrow. he's done w/ camp tuesday and will go home to visit his family and gather up the things he will bring back to boston. i miss him very much and right now am really not liking this not-spending-the-summer-together thing. i feel like my whole summer has been about waiting for him to be done with camp, and trying to stay busy while he's away. although i admit its been the most effective way of getting to know is parents better.

db's talking about doing camp again next summer... im finding that this really bothers me - a lot. ive had a nice summer, but it feels half wasted. i dont enjoy spending summer alone. winter? maybe. summer, not at all. i like going places and seeing/doing things. and summer is such a great time for that kind of thing. and thats the sort of stuff i like to do with someone else, not always alone. when db gets back to boston for good we'll really only have a few days together before he starts back to school. and not too long before the temperature drops.

moving on.

ive been having really freaky dreams for the last week or so. not necessarily nightmares, but just bizarro stuff. if i remember anything i'll write about it. otherwise, just imagine something willy wonka-esque.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
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ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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