conversations with DB
2004-11-18 10:22 pm


ME: OMG! you know what is the best ever???
DB: what?!?
ME: waffles with banana slices... just plain waffles with slices of banana, no syrup
DB: mmm


ME: my grandma makes homemade syrup
DB: wow, really?
ME: mhm, she puts sugar in a cup and microwaves it until it melts and puts maple flavor in it
DB: hmmm... is that how everyone makes it? by microwave?
ME: i dont know... i mean, im sure she used to do it by stove top, but now she's...
DB: high tech
ME: haha, yeah, high tech grandma
DB: high tech grandma's are the best!


ME: OMG! look at this!
DB: haha, how cute
ME: this is the cutest cat EVER! i have to have it! i love it!


DB: you know how you ask me "why?" everytime i say i'm not going to do something?
ME: mhm
ME: it pisses you off? hehe
DB: nope
ME: oh?
ME: suprising :)
DB: the answer is because i'm scared of failure, rejection and loss, and i've discovered that before, but i didn't remember it until i was looking for pasta


DB: love is nice and pretty and raps everything up in a nice little basket that you can give to people you don't like or you do like, and they'll take it like they take fruitcake

* * *

dashboard confessional

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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