creepy crawlies
2004-10-08 7:35 pm

see... here's the thing
we use quickbooks for our accounting at the office. and last april quickbooks called us and said they were no longer going to support our version (QB 2002?) and we had to upgrade if we wanted to continue receiving support... which we did.

naturally, we upgraded to QB2004

well... apparently there is a bug... a BIG FUCKING BUG in their 2004 software that undoes all of your reconciliations. not only is there a gigantic creepy crawly bug, but there is also 100% NO way in hell or even heaven to fix it....

thats right... there is NO patch

"we're working on it" they say

yeah, right. meanwhile we should just hangout and hope everything matches up next year when they make us buy 2005 which includes the fix to this bug?

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, we (meaning me) had to go all the way back to the start of our usage and reconcile the account all over again

thus, im here, at the office, at 7:30pm on a friday night of a holiday weekend, during the most important red sox game this week wondering where $1225.50 went in May 2004

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