directions to get out of the cold
2005-03-17 3:00 pm

yesterday i was having one of those "i need to pick up and move to hawaii and live on the beach right this very moment" days. they dont happen too often, but often enough.

im pretty sure this means that im done with boston. or boston is done with me. but where do i go from here?

ive been looking for a place in oregon. i dont know if i want to live in oregon or not. do i even want to live on the west coast? who knows. i do know that where ever it is that i go, i want to be in peace. i want my very own place that i dont have to share with a roommate (partners and lovers are excluded from "roommate"). i want my own home. i want to paint it all the colors i like best, whatever they may be. and i want my own yard and garden and trees and kitty. and i want to be naked. um... yeah.

and i want to be warm. for some reason i feel like boston has been a bit brutal this winter. its been very cold and for what seems like 6 months. in fact, it does begin to cool down starting in september. by october there is frost. so, being that its march, 6 months of cold. albygocougs is in need of defrosting.

all i know is that while most things are amazing right now, something isnt right. something is very not right. and that something is being here, in boston.

any psychics in the house today? i need some direction.

* * *

anna nalick - breathe (2am)

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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