lots of thinking at the river
2005-03-16 11:23 am

yesterday i textured 3 new canvases. it was bliss. i havent painted in at least 6 months. thats a long time for an artist not to paint. but in that time ive probably done a lot more writing than when id been painting. so, i suppose there is a trade off. one can only do so much creating.

ive decided that db definitely resembles river phoenix. especially from the side. i'll try to get a photo of db in the next few months that will best capture this resemblance. meanwhile, here's a good one of river, plus a good website with a great bio of river.

ya know, i had forgotten how much the death of river phoenix impacted me. it was my senior year in high school and at that time, even though i had certainly seen my share of death, it was the first young celebrity death of someone who i knew to advocate for the environment. after reading his lengthy bio, im surprised to learn how impoverished his family was and how much he disliked being in the lime light. then only two years later kurt cobain died, and that was pretty powerful for me too.

ive got a lot of thinking to do today.

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my heart

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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