ending days of seattle trip
2005-07-21 4:15 pm

Seattle has been wonderful! It started out rainy but perked up a week into my stay. The sun has been shining warm, beautiful, healthy, energizing rays and I've been soaking up as much as I can stand... and I'm dreading the humid heat awaiting me in New England.

I've been able to visit with a small handful of folks - not nearly as many as I'd like to have seen. But we are all bound by schedules, timing, work and family life, etc. Oh, and also energy levels.

For those who don't know, I tend to require a great deal of alone time. Not because I don't like people... I LOVE people! But after visiting, even if its just a few hours, I find that I need the next day to recover. Thus I keep somewhat of a low profile, and only tend to get around to visit 1/10th of my "Who I Want To See" list. I find this frustrating and somewhat disappointing. I love catching up. And I love keeping connected enough that playing catchup isn't required. Alas, I lack much of the energy required to stay connected to so many fantastic people.

It takes a lot of work and energy to have relationships - especially meaningful ones. My friends are wonderful gifts in my life, and I do not mean to neglect them. I'm thinking the best solution might be to have a BBQ or meet up someplace next year when I'm in town - and folks can drop in if they are available. Another reason I'd like to do this is that as I visit with folks, I realize that so many of them could find value in each other as new friends. Many of my friends have expressed having a lack of meaningful connections in Seattle. It is difficult in our society to meet like-minded folks, and folks you can really trust and build beautiful friendships with. That's why I'd love them to meet each other and find the beauty and magnificence that I see in each of them. So, next summer when DB and I come to visit (or stay!), folks should count on some kind of gathering.

In other news...

turned 29 yesterday. I don't feel 29, but then again I've never felt "my age". I feel about 23. Coincidentally, I look about 23. My mom is so cute. She left me a card when she went to work in the morning. It had a pop-up heart. She wrote "I'm glad to have you here with me." Wow. It may not seem like an amazing thing for a mom to say. But there was a time - a very long stretch of time, I felt very unwanted and very disconnected from my mom. And really, I've only started to feel us reconnecting in the last few years. In part, its possible because she is so much more healthy than during my first 25 years of life. But I recognize I also have a role in our relationship changing. I think I've opened up a lot more, let down some barriers, and made some changes in how I approach people. And I think this has made it possible for her to do the same with me. You may have noticed I'm a bit more loving and have so much more gratitude for life than ever before. Not that I don't get grumpy... or insecure... I'm still human and still have much work to do. So, my mom got off work a little early to spend my birthday with me. We made dinner and just hung out. Thats my favorite thing to do with my mom - nothing. I'm so fortunate to be building a relationship with my mom. And we get along so well - despite being so different. I just like being around her, and I'm sure I look a bit like a puppy dog following her around the house, out to the yard, back into the house, to her room... everywhere she goes, at her heels. Hopefully its more flattering and cute than annoying!

I wish I had more time here in Seattle. But I guess thats what makes this time so valuable - that there is a limited amount.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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