finnishing touches
2005-07-28 8:25 pm

i finished painting today, so skipped my usual trip to the finnish bakery. instead i went to the nobody-knows-anything-but-tries-to-tell-you-how-to-do-everything hardware store and grabbed a gallon of BM's Summer Blue to paint over parts of the darker Blue Lapis i used as a primer.

i was a bit concerned that it wouldnt turn out... especially since i started off trying to do a faux finish which LE decided looked like a "cloudy sky".

once i scrapped the faux plan, i got all creative on yo ars! omg, if i ever get a digital camera i will take picts and post them b/c my bedroom looks so fckg cool you will want to HIRE ME to do yours.

mhm, fo serious.

even i am impressed. THATS how good it looks.

oh, so here's what it looks like: you walk in and the wall across from you is solid Summer Blue with two windows. the wall to the right is "framed" with Summer Blue as the frame and Blue Lapis inside. the left wall has a faux headboard in Blue Lapis and three squares above it, also Blue Lapis. the surrounding, or framing color = Summer Blue. and the fourth wall (also the smallest), which the door and closet door live on, is Blue Lapis with a Summer Blue square (so i can hang a painting inside the square and have it framed by the Summer Blue).

it will make more sense when i have photos. maybe i will draw some up on MS Word. check back later.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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