having the flu is just like being pregnant
2004-12-09 9:16 pm

except its not beautiful at all - its painful and kicks your ass the entire time; you cant eat; you have a fever; you want to die and are willing to pay someone to kill you.

wait, i meant to talk about how its similar.


well, according to Our Bodies, Ourselves published by the Boston Women's Health Book Collective, during pregnancy a woman might have bizarre dreams and crave odd foods.

this is happening to me. yet, its definately the flu.

first, the dream:

im at some large building, possibly the old post office building downtown. only there's not much else around b/c its kind of the edge of town in the dream. at first im already in and trying to find my damn way out. of course i cant b/c its a fucking maze. stupid sob.

anyway, im looking for a way out and cant find one. apparently there is an event happening at this party, which is apparently in this building, and apparently im supposed to know what im doing and who these people are. alas, i know nothing - not even why the hell i need to leave so badly.

as im wandering around in circles through hallways and doorways and bedrooms and bathrooms and closets and conference rooms and pool rooms and rooms with groups of naked men OR women in them (single gendered), people are asking me questions as if i should know the answers, yet i dont. i scury off.

at some point im being followed by these goth girls with lots of make-up and black funny clothes. im slightly concerned they are going to try to kill me. after climbing through secret passage ways i only accidentally discovered, i make it into this dark bathoom thats all pale green. they find me. shit!

they lead me to a couch someplace and start asking me strange sexual questions. okay, they probably werent very strange, the questions, but seeing how i didnt know them and they were girls and goth, it seemed a bit odd. then they wanted to do some sex stuff. and well, thats all i remember... ahem.

now the food cravings

i would officially like to call this my "im sick with the flu and dying, wish list"

*note: im happy to provide reimbursement, i just need some footsoldiers

* * *

the funny noises my ears are making

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