the flying pig
2004-08-07 11:53 pm PST

the closer it came to reunion time, the more nervous i got. did i really want to go? would anyone talk to me? would i be brave enough to talk to anyone else? would the mean people still be mean?

as i drove, i imagined turning around and going back to my moms. but i already paid for it and it was expensive. and i got the car so i could drive there. damn it.

i parked the car and saw a cute wiccan shop that hadnt been there a few years ago. i decided to stop in. i didnt want to be the first one to show up at the reunion - i feel geeky enough as it is. i looked around, bought a spiritual magazine and took it back to the car. okay, its time. i walked down the block and decided i was parked too far away. i went back to the car, hoping no one saw me come and go, and moved the car a block closer.

okay, its time. i will know some people and it will be just fine. i wait at the crosswalk and run my fingers through my hair. a vehicle goes by with young-looking people. people who could quite possibly be my age, which means they might be my classmates, which means surely these former classmates saw me "primping" on my way to the reunion. i could just die! okay, breath. no one saw and if they did maybe i didnt look stupid. maybe i just looked like a normal girl. maybe they didnt recognize me anyway. yes, no one will recognize me anyway. phew.

i enter and clearly look either confused or like i graduated high school in 1994. the hostess returns from wherever she was and asks if im here for the MHS reunion. she directs me down the stairs. i had no idea there was a downstairs here. i take each step carefully, not wanting to make the fatal mistake of tripping and falling to my doom. its near 6:30pm and there are a couple dozen people. will this be it? will more people arrive? oh god, i dont really know anyone. but i hold off panic. i make my way to a table of other folks who look like i feel.

the most common questions throughout the night:

  1. so, how many people do you actually recognize here?
  2. are you going tomorrow night, too?
  3. what have you been up to [the last ten years]?
  4. are you married, do you have kids? (this counts as one, in my opinion)
  5. how did you end up in boston?
  6. what is a life coach?
  7. whats the story with you having two names? (different last name in HS, and different spelling of first name)

i was lucky enough to have met S. she is totally the type of person who takes another respectable looking woman by the arm and drags her around to talk to strangers. thank goddess for these kind of people. eventually i made it around to talk to at least half, if not more, of the folks who attended.

the most ackward moment:
JH: stops by to greet and welcome me. "hi, how are you...," etc. "we emailed a bit."

Me: "we did?"

JH: "yeah, i emailed you a couple times."

Me: "hmm... i dont remember getting any email from you. what did we talk about?"

JH: "i don't know, but i remember because you have two names."

Me: "you must be thinking of another [albygocougs] because i dont remember us emailing."

JH: looks at my name tag, "no, im sure it was you."

Me: "but you dont remember what about?"

JH: "no, just hey, i remember you from school, how are you, etc. i got your email on classmates."

Me: "when was this?"

JH: "a few months ago."

Me: "oh... OH, about the reunion?"

JH: "yeah. no, it wasnt like 'hey, what are you up to, lets get together."

Me: thoroughly embarassed, "oh god, im sorry, i was so confused. right, right, you emailed me. i didnt know who i was talking with; you didnt sign your name!"

interesting careers:
female: stripper
male: rodeo guy

drinks: 2 glasses of white zin over a 5 hour period.

the number of people who had recently been to boston: 5

the number of people who had recently been to boston, who had been to a sox game at fenway, and i could talk baseball with: 3

the number of people i appologized to for being an idiot in high school: 2

the number of people i appologized to for being weird in hs and college: 1

the number of people i really wanted to talk to but didnt because they are still the same old stupid dumb-asses they were in hs: 2

the number of lapdances i witnessed: 2

* * *

7 8

weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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