the have more's
2004-07-27 5:15 pm

big day today.

SW and i went to the special screening of Farenheit 9/11. im a bit shaken up.

michael moore gave a speech beforehand, which received multiple standing ovations. he has such a great way w/ words.

it can be very frustrating and challenging to learn the truth... even when you already know some of it and know that the things you don't know are even worse.

i remember thinking, when bush was taking office, "why isnt anyone doing anything???" it didnt feel like anyone was protesting or concerned or anything. it seemed like everyone just went along with the decision. but this film showed footage of thousands of people protesting in DC, egging bush's limo.

plus they also showed floridians who were trying to stop bush and only needed one signature from a single senator in florida... but all the senators were conveniently "missing".

oh, and it seems that bush happens to have oil related financial ties to the bin laden family, the new presidents of afganistan and iraq, the bad guys of enron, and pre-2000 cheney and ashcroft.

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