2004-10-06 4:33 pm

definition according to www.wordreference.com: taking full advantage of an opportunity while it lasts.

thats what peter jennings (or one of the chaps he was chatting with) said edwards was doing in the debate last night, haymaking.

i thought it was a stupid thing to say... however, now ive decided its quite clever. is this what bush/cheney like to call flip-flopping?

anyway, i worked my rear off today. one could say i was haymaking. it was a good day. now im exhausted and i still need to walk home, and MOVE.

two people asked me to walk home today. i just wanted to note that here b/c on occassion i dont feel so special... this can serve as a reminder that TWO people wanted to walk home with me. TWO! i kick butt.

tonight i shall do some haymaking in the moving realm. i plan to start staying at my new place tonight. it will require getting my matress from point A to point B. im thinking a cab might work best for that.

oh, and i had a revelation about being true to myself. i think sometimes i lose site of who i really am and it feels pretty good when i find my truth again.

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