this is your life!
2004-10-05 8:26 pm

omg, i havent written in four whole days... is that possible? what the hell has been going on???

lets see...

saturday, i sanded the walls, spackled a bit more, and with LOM completed the edging.

LOM left in the afternoon with a headache, muttering something about the Red Sox or Michigan.

i, on the other hand, stayed on to finish rolling.

sunday was more of the same. albeit alone. i threw the final coat of yellow paint on the walls and headed back to the condo for a shower and an early dinner.

then i did what any exhausted woman in the midst of moving would do... i went shopping. i was actually in search of curtains, bedding, and other such housewares. i came home with cedar to hang in my closet. yep, just cedar.

i did happen to take a nice load of stuff to my new place. and then monday night, after my date, i took a second load over. tonight i took a load over before another date. LOM says she's going to help me take another load over when im done w/ this entry. yay!

id like to point out that a "load" consists of whatever will fit in my handrolled shopping cart and my backpack.

oh, and yes... i had two dates this week and its only tuesday. i actually have another date tomorrow... but that one is with CB. and its not really a "date", we arent dating. we will merely be "hanging out". last time we discussed dating he said something about avoiding long distance, yadda yadda.

okay, time to get a move on.

* * *

7 8

weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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