i dont heart taxes
2005-04-14 6:38 pm

finished my taxes this morning - made copies, sealed and stamped the envelopes, dropped them off at the post office - only to realize that i actually have one more day before they are due. all that rushing about for no reason.

i do not heart GW and his evil ways. and i do not heart sending more money to that filthy bastard. yeah, i had to pay this year. $102 Fed, and $132 state. i can live with state. i actually feel not-so-bad about how my state spends my dollars. federally, on the other hand, i cant stand the idea of my money heading straight into the war machine while our schools and communities get shafted. i could go on, but there are other topics id like to discuss.

work was good. i organized some greeting cards up front, put some lawn ornaments together, worked on itemizing the 2004 phone bills. i heart work.

after work i ordered chicken tikka masala to take home. i ate it. actually, it might be more accurrate to say that i inhaled it. it was incredible. i heart indian food.

im almost done reading this fantastic book by Dan Millman, Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior. When I finish, I have two more of his books from the library. i heart the library.

id like to do some art-making tonight too. we'll see. im a bit tired. i heart art.

and i heart you, too.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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