home again
2005-11-03 11:34 am

wow. i have lots of decompressing and processing to do.

i managed to hold myself together for the entirety of the trip. a miracle of strength and spirit.

i was so moved by my experience and have so many fantastic ideas for projects, work and so on. i promise i will eventually discuss them. but at this very moment i feel the need get cracking on my online store.

also, ive decided that i have a few things to take care of in terms of self-care:

*new clothes ($150 worth, or less)
*professional hair cut (im thinking newbury st)
*weekly meditation at shambhala center
*weekly yoga

then ive got some business goals to take care of:
*complete and announce my online store (by nov 10)
*get into the ceramics studio and finish up my projects (by dec 1)
*take my way-too-big ann taylor clothes to the consignment shop on newbury st
*file fafsa so i can take courses next semester, if i feel like it!
*start my book (yep! ive got a brilliant book idea, or two)
*marketing my coaching - by the way, im a brilliant coach! you should hire me ;)
*take a nap

* * *

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

now / earlier

profile / email / notes

links / wish list

my artwork / my store

design / host