jingle all the way
2005-10-18 10:18 pm

there seems to be bells tinkling everywhere i go... at least, here on dunster road.

it seems ive made some kitty friends in the neighborhood, and every time i leave the house or am returning the kitties come running from miles away just to greet me.

mostly its fun and i love it.

but sometimes, when db and i are trying to make our way to the grocery or just up to centre street it can be a very serious problem. the kitties, oblivious to where we are headed, do not seem to mind the jaunts here and there. in fact, the littler grey kitty rather enjoys going for walks to the corner store.

since db and i agree that the city streets are no place for a kitty, we've created this little game in order to distract the kitties and keep them from following us.

first, db blocks the kitties so they can't follow or see me. then, i run as far and as fast as i can. when im out of site db takes off and the kitties, having forgotten all about me, start sniffing leaves and looking for cars to sit on.

this usually works, although we often hide in the bushes to make sure they aren't trying to play catch-up.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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