a little known fact
2006-02-20 1:12 pm

we rented a car for the weekend and drove up and down and all around.

with no maps and no destination in mind, we took back roads almost our whole saturday trip. it was liberating to release our cares and just drive wherever on a whim.

to start the adventure, one reader board on a jewish temple near randolph boasted a texas hold 'em tournament coming up. i instantly thought of LE and how much she'd love such a temple.

our first destination: Wood's Hole, on the cape. the little town was sweet, and the beach was beautiful and magical, even if it was 20 degrees. we ate yummies at Pie in the Sky, a little cafe with an elf working there. not a midget- an elf, the way i am a faerie. she didn't notice me (why would an elf care about a faerie?), but she did ask db if he was also an elf, to which he replied "im not sure." and really, is he an elf? or is he a leprachaun or faerie? it has yet to be determined.

after realizing there were no buzzards or breweries in buzzards bay, our next stop was Providence, RI.

i don't think I realized before how fancy Providence is. we were in the arts district and everything was so pretty and upscale. db and i almost went into a fancy coffee shop upon arrival but all the people in black turtle necks with their blonde hair pulled back and smarty-pants glasses scared us off.

we opted, instead, for the much talked about Trinity brewpub. i had myself some hard apple cider, brewed right in Newport, RI using their own fine apples. you can read my review on beeradvocate if you'd like.

the characters at Trinity were incredible. besides two adorable older greying women who were the most unlikely people to be seen in a brewpub ever, there was a table of Cliff Clavens next to us. every time one of the Cliffs would start talking, I'd hush db and say "listen!" i couldn't get enough of the accent, tone of voice, and know-it-all conversations - it was perfect!

sunday was a little more planned, but just as interesting. we ventured out to Nashoba Valley Winery, tasted some wine and enjoyed the little taste of country before briefly stopping in Concord. dinner was at Cambridge Brewing Co in Kendall Square and desert at our own Doyle's in JP.

so much driving around left us exhausted! i do not look forward to having a car again when i move home.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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