let the madness begin!
2005-09-25 12:39 pm

im feeling so great today that ive decided its time for another paxil reduction!

no really... im serious.

although im not sure if its because my period started just now or because i ate two brownies for breakfast. in any case, im flying all over the apartment, ballerina style, and excitedly anticipating an afternoon of laundry.

now, since ive been taking 10mg of paxil for a few weeks, im thinking the next step is to do a half step (i think that is what its called). this is where i take 10mg one day, 5mg the next, 10mg the next, etc. after a week i shall just have a steady 5mg each day. supposidly, this helps with adjustment and minimizing side effects.

also, there appear to be birds near the airconditioner. im trying to decide if they are building a nest under it, or merely attempting to dislodge the damn thing.

plus, i think im going to start a list of potential band names that me and db come up with (mostly me). and maybe i should post them, although i dont want people to steal them. but frankly, if you're on diaryland looking for a name for your band, im not TOO worried.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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