my internet
2005-07-15 3:04 pm

can anyone remember what life was like before The Internet...?

well, let me remind you... it was boring as hell and people had to talk on the phone. yeah! the PHONE. eeeew! i dont know why i have such an aversion to the phone. is it because i spent the better part of my teens with a phone squished to my ear? is it because ive always been a shy girl? (yes, i actually WAS super shy as a kid and teen and sometimes in college too). is it because id rather spend my time in front of a computer? is it because over the last 10 years 70% of my working life required me to be on the phone either taking claims, soliciting money for good causes, or just plain directing calls??? who knows.

what i do know is that the internet is part of my being, like blood or mitochondria. i need it. it feeds me and sooths me and lets be honest here, it not only keeps me in touch with my pals but it entertains me for hours on end. plus, its edumacational. i learnt things.

and i dont like having to pay for my internet. the same way i dont like having to pay for the air i breathe or the water i drink. its something that should just exist, nearby, for FREE. true story. and anyone who says otherwise is evil, pure evil like GW, who i only mention b/c its been so long since ive frivolously blamed him for the perils of this world, for which he IS to blame.

omg, its been sooo long since ive been online that i cant stop babbling about nothing and everything and whatever comes to mind! you miss it, dont you? i thought so.

so, im at starbucks again, paying $6.00 to be online and paying $4.29 for coffee. thats 10 f*cking dollars just so i can rant and rave about not being able to do this more often and for less cost. am i bored? maybe. am i missing my friends, most definitely. am i missing db and his witty charming cute self? abso-fckg-lutely.

time to end this one and start another entry. you know, to break it up a bit and make it look like i write more than i actually do.

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7 8

weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

now / earlier

profile / email / notes

links / wish list

my artwork / my store

design / host