pedestrians beware
2005-10-11 10:30 pm

for the first time ever in my life, i actually saw someone being hit by a car.

db and i were waiting for the 39 bus near the monument, and this woman was crossing in the crosswalk, wearing bright yellow on a rainy-poo day, and BAM! she was hit and rolling on the ground.

fortunately, the driver had slammed the breaks on and didnt do a hit and run (as is prevalent in boston). in fact, i think the driver was more upset than the victim, who was definitely in a serious state of shock.

another guy waiting for the bus called 911 and the fire department, less than one block away, drove out to the scene with the ladder and all. if you ask me, they couldve saved the tax payers a bit on gas by walking the half block.

db was pretty shaken up as well. his mom was hit by a car a few years ago and was quite seriously injured. honestly, considering what i saw, its a damn miracle his mom lived - and although police said the driver was sober, i find that impossible to believe.

in any case, i cant imagine the horror of hitting someone while driving. i think id die. and being the pedestrian who is tossed by a car is completely beyond my comprehension.

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