pink and blue geek girl
2005-06-30 10:18 am

so yesterday i get dressed and leave the house. since i tend to get a bit parched in this humid summer heat i took a water bottle along.

leaving the house i note that i look like an ass. im 28 folks. 28. and im wearing pink and blue sneakers, blue scrubs, and a pink halter top. i figure, who cares. then as i cross the street and take a sip from my water bottle, i realize that my 89 cent bottle of water is none other than pink and blue. so, not only am i wearing coordinating pink and blue shoes, pants and shirt, but my water bottle matches as well. for the love of god! im 28, not 8 or 68. its simply NOT cute when a grown woman over coordinates like that.

lazy me, i didnt feel like turning back, so i drank the water and put the bottle in my bag, hidden from public.

if you're lucky i'll take a picture of me in my massively coordinating pinks and blues and post it for all to see. if you're lucky.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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