what is wrong with people?
2005-3-29 2 pm

these two cute little mexican kids were waiting for their flight near us. as they were playing they happened to knock their sprite over.

as it gushed onto the floor, this rich lady sitting across from the family grabbed her own bags to pull them away from the liquid and proceeded to watch the soda continue draining.

db and i looked at each other. didnt it occur to her that she should have picked the soda up to stop the spilling? and didnt it occur to her that if she'd have done that, she wouldnt have to worry about her things getting soda on them?

not to mention that this morning, as we were packing our things, an older guy was standing directly outside of our open sliding glass door, smoking a cigar. i asked db "who smokes outside of someone else's room???" the guy looked in and went away. turns out, he was the owner.

what is wrong with people who have loads of money???

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My Flight - 2006-03-02
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