riotous laughter in the bush's
2005-09-08 12:00 pm

i just find it knee-slapping hilarious how entertained the bush family seems to be with the death and destruction experienced in the south, post-hurricane.

in fact, it makes me just want to jump up and down with giddy laughter... maybe even do sommersaults with a funny clown wig.

i mean, what in the hell could be more side-splitting hysterical than decaying dead bodies floating amongst the city's poorest neighborhoods, besides when they are occassionally stuffed in trash bags?

i guess the thousands of people held hostage in the sports arena adds more mirth and merriment to the situation. but honestly, what really sends me over the edge hooting and hollering is the lack of food or water for these folks, and of course the absolutely brilliant and comical genius of bush and condi turning away foreign aid.

what a riot.

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