hello from vermont
2005-06-13 11:42 pm

over 24 hours in northern vermont. very hot here, only a couple degrees cooler than boston...

spent today catching up on much needed sleep. and went for a drive w/ db.

the move went fairly well. i still have my two dressers filled with stuff at my old place in JP. db and i will contact some of his friends and offer to pay them to move the dressers.

in other news, its too damn hot. but according to the weather report it will be a bit cooler tomorrow and then much cooler wednesday.

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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