24 hr blues
2005-07-27 3:21 pm

so, i got up at 3:30am the other morning, and didnt fall asleep until sometime around 3:30am last night.

and its not like i shouldnt have been tired. i mean, up at 3:30am, doing email, shopping for furniture online, hardware store run, painting the ceiling, shopping for bedding in the city, more email... AND it was 100 degrees.

yet, it took all my effort to fall asleep last night. its possible i was still awake at 4 and 5 am. i did wake up a bunch.

anyway, i think im gonna paint the bedroom blue. it looks better than the yellow. now, i just have to convince LE that the living room would be amazing if it were yellow. maybe just one wall?

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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