apple cider battle
2005-02-10 11:27 am

my scalp is dry. its true. it itches like yo mamma.

its rather upsetting. not because i dont like how it feels to scratch an itch, but because it itches constantly and this causes me to constantly have my hands on my head, scratching. and i look like a freak.

furthermore, i cant stop.

i have anxiety and lots of it. too much, in fact.

i have enough anxiety for all of us, plus a bit extra for kicks. so, when my scalp itches, i scratch it... forever. even when im in bed trying to sleep.

now, if you can, try to imagine what would happen if you were constantly scratching your own scalp.

eventually you'd find yourself bleeding.

i know, its gross.

thats why ive never told you before. i dont want you running around thinking about my bloody, itchy, dry scalp. but im being honest here. i scratch, i bleed, i scab, i itch, i scratch and i pick the scab. its true and its gross. and im sorry you have to know this about me, but its part of who i am and who i am working on leaving behind.

honestly, this really has only been going on for about a year now. it probably started shortly before or after i began taking buspirone, an anti-anxiety medication.

for a while i just figured id eventually stop.

apparently i was wrong. i havent stopped at all. in fact, the scratching is worse.

this summer i figured maybe i had dandruf or some other scalp ailment, and began researching and all it did was freak me out.

since then ive determined i merely have a bad case of anxiety and an ever worsening case of dry scalp.

in a desperate effort to avoid an expensive trip to a scalp specialist, i googled "dry scalp remedy" and came up with a bunch of sites telling me that the problem is likely oily scalp and i should give apple cider vinegar a try.

im all for home remedies. so last night i applied some apple cider vinegar to my scalp, clipped a shower cap to my head, and went to sleep. then this morning i washed my hair with diluted apple cider vinegar, and then with my regular shampoo.

my head doesn't itch right now and when i move my head i catch a faint whiff of apple cider vinegar. but i still have anxiety.

no, the home remedy never promised to reduce my anxiety, but wouldn't that be a pleasant side effect?

now you know about my dry, itchy scalp and my anxiety, and knowing is half the battle.

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avril lavigne - anything but ordinary

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
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limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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