barefoot in the city
2004-09-22 2:37 pm

i wore the cutest outfit today.

pink skirt, white tank, white button down shirt, white pumps, (white panties too, in case you were wondering).

on my way out to lunch my boss asks... "why're you wearing such fancy shoes?"

note: the female Bostonian transplant from Washington state is not usually a fancy shoe wearing beast. she is usually spotted wearing sneakers or boots. and in the office setting she is often seen wearing black FUBU socks. :end note

my reply: "um... they go with my skirt."

she laughs, we head out the door at the same time.

as we're walking up Franklin to Washington, i am abruptly stopped in my tracks... literally.

see, the thing about the sidewalks in Boston are that they are hollow. this means that its just air and wires and junk underneath. and sometimes, this means there are grated vents where one would expect concrete. and as you likely surmised, grated vents have holes in them. holes that just happen to be the perfect size for the heel of a more feminine shoe... such as a white pump.

as passers-by are passing by, im quickly thinking through my escape options.

fortunately ive seen enough of these incidents by now that ive determined the most effective way to break free is, in fact, to remove the foot from the stuck shoe and pull the shoe out of the hole via hand.

its really quite brilliant.

because if you leave your foot in the shoe, you end up struggling to pull it out with your foot and it never budges. simply by removing your foot and using your hand, the shoe is removed with ease and grace.

now, as i remove my first shoe and place it on solid ground up ahead, i foolishly step down, onto the same grate, with my other shoed foot.

yes, its true... i did.

now im barefoot in the city. and im the girl who wore white pumps after labor day and walked on grates downtown during lunch. the girl that will be laughed at in journals all over the world by everyone who saw and everyone who reads said journals.

oh the horror!

um... i'll be back later, i need to buy new shoes.

* * *

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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