i like your boobs, part 1
2004-06-20 9:30 pm

what is wrong with some men? (notice i did not say "all men"). over the last 3 days i have had at least 3 men (2 of which were definately homeless) comment, quite audibly and without a sense of shame, on the size, attractiveness, or overall quality of my chest.

what kind of world do we live in where any person can assume the right to verbally assault another person and call unwanted attention to a part of that persons body?

its not flattery, appreciation, adoration, or even attraction that results in this inappropriate behavior. and its just too easy to dismiss such aggressiveness to a blanket statement like "men are pigs," or "boys will be boys".

sexism, racism, classism, mysogyny, patriarchy, power, and ignorance are at the root. but just because one can identify the root, doesnt mean that the problem ceases to exist, or ceases to bother those who the comments are directed toward. it only makes it more infuriating.

i dont mind being noticed on occassion, or if someone were to approach me to talk. but i do not want to be oggled, commented on, shouted at, or otherwise have attention drawn to me, my breasts, or any other part of my body.

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