two days
2004-06-19 11:55 am

a squirrel doing sommersaults in the dirt hole it was digging

passing a sketchy looking guy on the way to work who i could hear saying under his breath "... those tits..."

my pc refusing to boot, even in safe mode... then once agreeing to boot, freezing immediately after logged on

trident and 3 dover classics

evening nap after the fall of atlantis and meeting the child who would become faerie queen

iTunes - pure prairie league - amie

less listening, more arguing

grooming... again

using ladder 15 to install a new flag and rope... big dogs, everywhere!

a homeless guy walking in my direction who felt the need to announce to himself "i like what i see"... apparently tank tops are "hot"

banana waffles - yum

* * *

7 8

weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

now / earlier

profile / email / notes

links / wish list

my artwork / my store

design / host