i like your boobs, part 2
2004-06-20 9:59 pm

it never ceases to amaze me when a homeless guy comments on my chest. no really, it leaves me speechless each and every time.

why is it that i cannot seem to recover from these verbal assaults quickly enough to react? is it that im the "queen of cool" or so permanently locked in default "contemplative mode" that i cant even eeek out a "fuck you, asshole"? i pride myself on my ability to remain calm and process things, choosing to react if i deem it necessary, but the lack of reaction in these situations is bordering on passive compliance and acceptance.

meanwhile, regardless of what im wearing - a halter top, regular ol' tank top, t-shirt, or even a jacket over my t-shirt or tank, i get the same obnoxious reaction from men (especially homeless men) as i mind my own business on the way to the grocery store, park or office... .

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