b*tching about traveling
2005-07-24 2:09 pm

what a 24hrs.

*dont bother reading this entry as its stupid and i was just trying to be witty but failed miserably.*

traveling from coast to coast is a drag. and i mean that in the best possible way. ha.

im exhausted from the trip - most of which included waiting around.

during her 30min lunch break my mom gave me a ride to the airport shuttle bus stop near her place. i waited about 15-20mins for the bus. not too bad. while waiting a guy comes up to me and asks "do you smoke? er, do you smoke cigarettes?" um, no. no, i dont smoke. and no, i dont smoke cigarettes.

a few questions (and my own answers) run through my head after i send him away... without a cig.

1. do i look like a smoker? do i LOOK like a SMOKER? do i visually appear wrinkled, tired, pale, worn out and just plain yucky??? do i look like a person who is committing suicide over a prolonged period of time??? do i look even remotely like someone who hates themself and wants to wake up hacking their lungs out every damn morning for the rest of eternity??? no. no i do not look anything like a smoker. i am clean, pretty, well put together, confident, relaxed, and healthy, thank you very much.

2. do i smell like a smoker? do i SMELL like smoke or nicotine or have some awful faint odor or cloud surrounding me that makes you suspect im a smoker? no! no, i dont. in fact, i smell pretty damn good - no traces of smoke whatsoever.

3. since when does a person need to clarify what kind of smoking they are talking about? really! im serious here. when did people start clarifying that they were talking about cigarettes and not some other substance like crack or pot??? is it really THAT likely that a stranger, sitting with 2 pink suitcases in a hotel parking lot next to an arby's will mistake your "do you smoke?" question for an opportunity to buy or sell crack or pot??? because, it would never have occurred to me that he meant anything other than cigarettes - and ive actually SEEN people smoking crack in the streets of boston! (okay, only once, but still).

4. and lets just say, for fun, if i WERE a smoker... don't you think id be SMOKING??? dont you think, that sitting here waiting, id have already lit up??? dont you think id have a cigarette ablaze in my little hand, sucking death into me while waiting for a damn bus???

moving on... the bus arrives at the airport t 1hr 10mins later and im 2.5 hrs early for my flight. after all, its important to be early enough to check in and get everything settled in time to actually make the flight.

e-tickets, checking in luggage, asking tsa if my knitting needles will make it past security or be confiscated if i want to bring them aboard, and then 2 hours of patient waiting before finally boarding. by the way, knitting needles are permitted (at least, they were yesterday). there was a 15-20 min delay before we could leave due to a ridiculous need to load "the food" which of course was never seen. i mean, they sent beverages around and some nasty mix of nuts and pretzles, but no actual food was served.

arrived in denver with another 2.5 hours of waiting before my connection would be leaving. fun times. i ended up being bored enough to pay $7 for a crappy 1hr wi-fi connection. seriously, i had to be sitting in the walk-way in order to actually get a strong enough connection to load webpages or send email. arg.

slept part of the way but had difficulty getting comfortable. eventually i ended up putting the arm rest up and curling into a ball on the window and middle seat. id have stretched out but there was someone in the aisle seat, so i had to keep my feet to myself. consequently, my knee is all out of wack.

arrived in boston at 2:30am PST (5:30am EST), captured my luggage and headed for the T. the orange line took about 20 minutes and it was sweltering hot down under. i toted my luggage from the green street stop to LE's (and my new) apartment where i lugged it all up two flights of stairs. i looked around the empty place, showered, dressed and headed to the couch for a nap around 7am EST.

i woke, chatted w/ LE a bit and headed out for paint chips. on my way down, i slipped down the stairs and landed then slid on my ass. im pretty sure ive got a bruised tail bone. it hurts. it hurts to move. so i shall try to sit here at the bakery, using wi-fi and eating my quiche until they close at 6pm. after which i will hobble home and hopefully not incurr any further injuries.

* * *

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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