bulldozing jamaica plain
2005-08-02 12:44 am

um, the sky is afire and it sounds like bombs are taking out the surrounding houses. car alarms and babies are screaming, and i hear many a neighbor outside and fire engines galore. im pretty sure there are heart attacks tonight... three were mine.

ever play sim city and change your mind about where you placed your powerplant, so bulldozed it??? imagine, if you will, plugging your pc into a superduper stereo system with serious amplification, then turning it up full blast before bulldozing a stadium or two. now, imagine a few strobe lights going in your room/house simultaneously.

generally i enjoy thunder and lightening storms, but this one is actually scaring the poop out of me. i even went to LE's room a minute ago to see if she was still awake b/c its so loud and scary. she said not to be scared... so i feel a little better. it always helps when someone else isnt so scared.

magoo, on the other hand, is just sitting on the couch like this kind of noise and light show is a typical daily occurrance around here.

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