misses cat strikes again
2005-08-04 12:56 pm

in my newest apartment im currently using a loveseat as a bed. this means my feet hang off or my knees are bent while my feet rest on the arm. it does pull out into a full size bed, but often its just easier to sleep on it in couch position.

magoo has taken to sleeping parts of the night with me. its rather adorable to wake up and find misses cat sleeping by my feet. it is not quite as adorable, however, when in couch position, to wake up and find that magoo is sprawled out taking up an entire cusion while i, being significantly larger than she, am balled up and falling off of my single cusion.

but as it goes, i could not bring myself to move misses cat so that i could have more room. how could i wake that cute little feline when she's so peacefully sleeping? instead, i merely made the observation that we each had half the couch and promptly fell back asleep.

misses cat did eventually run off at some point and i reclaimed her cusion and stretched out a bit more.

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