i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
2005-06-20 10:08 pm

we went on a quaint excursion to experience ben and jerry's factory tour today.

on our way i saw my first anti-littering sign on the highway... "$500 fine for littering on highway and screaming."

no screaming while you litter??? that's just ludicris! who litters in complete silence? only a coward!

what the sign actually reads: "$500 fine for littering on highway and in streams." needless to say, it was much more amusing to me when screaming accompanied the fine.

we went north, passing through montpelier, the capitol of vermont which dons a glorious golden dome surrounded by gallently green trees and highlighted by a brilliantly blue sky. after one wrong turn just a mile away from bj's, we ended up 8 miles back in montpelier. fortunately for the ice cream we found our way to bj's on our second try.

the 3 part bj's tour was a colorful multi-media, multi-sensory experience. the children were mostly bored out of their minds but seemed to make it to the last part where the ice cream was served and everyone got to try bits of fossil fuel and dublin mudslide. yummers.

what i learned today:
ben and jerry are fantabulous hippie gents who currently have very little to do with the ice cream corp they founded. instead, they spend time doing whatever the hell they want, which includes political activism in DC. besides the great lives b&j must be living, db and i were particularly impressed by the company's 3 part mission statement.
part 1: product mission
part 2: economic mission
part 3: social mission

db wants to know if jp licks has a 3 part mission statement. apparently we'll have to ask in person since its not on their single-page website.

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