2004-11-25 12:56 pm

seeing how things were back in the day, things about sex and about sexuality, and how people thought... it sure makes a girl appreciate how things have changed.

when i was 14 i was pretty sure i was going to hell for masturbating.

in fact, i was sure i was going to hell for just about everything and that the only girls who might be doing what i was doing were bad girls. very very bad girls.

at the Everett Public Library I found a book for girls about sex. the author talked about masturbation and sexual activity and said it was normal.

i was normal?!?!!!!

imagine 40, 50, 100 years ago... when sex and sexuality werent even discussed or written about in any sane way. what would i have thought? would i have killed myself?

in college, kinsey's scale of sexuality was our proof that we, queer folk, were okay.


kinsey's work was a historical body of evidence that gave us hope that some day the world would accept us.

near the end of the movie, kinsey is interviewing this woman in her 50s or 60s. he tells her sorrowfully that his work has done nothing, for things havent changed.

she tells him that things, in fact, have changed so much. because of him, his book on female sexuality, she found the courage to be true to herself.

"you saved my life," she tells him.

* * *

coldplay: the scientist

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