the great leech adventure of 2005
2005-06-25 6:04 pm

93 degrees makes for tough walking weather in st. jay. it also makes for great adventures in aquatic frolicking.

db and i walked to the farmers market. a dozen small tents with hand and home made goods for sale. we didn't spot anything particularly exciting so moved on to explore the town a bit more.

after checking out a few local craft and sporting goods stores, we decided to trudge over the bridge and grab a small ice cream cone at bishop's. db and i decided that the problem with ice cream on a 93 degree day is that you are so busy chasing the melting driplets that its difficult to enjoy the taste.

post-ice cream we headed off in the direction of the ball parks, crossing the bridge and stopping by the river to cool. desperate to cool, we sat on the steps under an oak tree, not desperate enough to venture down into the murkey yellow and brown water below.

once most of the sweating stopped, we started off again, heading up the great hill of main street which we were sure would kill us. alas, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and we stopped at the fountain before trecking the last couple blocks home.

pausing at home for nearly two hours, resting, cooling, trying to keep our heads straight, we decided to go for a jaunt to emerson falls.

now, we've been to emerson falls a few times. its beautiful and refreshing! the best part is we almost always have the place to ourselves.

as usual, we climbed down the rocks and settled into our usual location. testing the waters we found the water to be refreshingly cool, yet wonderfully warm enough for a dip.

fun times ensued and before we knew it we were ready to head home for dinner. as i stood and began to wipe the water from my legs, i felt something slimey on my rear right thigh. figuring it was a bit of algae or some other slimey bit of nature, i pulled at it. it wasn't budging, so i pulled again. still there.

"db, is this a leech?" i asked pointing to my posterior.

"yes," he replied.

"are you kidding? omg, don't let me see it. how do we get it off?"

calmly db grabbed a handful of small rocks, dirt and sand. "wait," i said. "what's going to happen?"

db explained what steps he would take to remove the leech and began scrubbing my leeched thigh with the rocks.

it took three tries to convince the leech to let go, but the heroic db was determined to save me... and save me, he did.

post-leech, i rinsed off in the water and allowed db to inspect the rest of me before i inspected him. leech-free we headed home for a anti-bacterial shower and a lovely dinner of chicken tikka masala.

hooray for db!

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weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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