moths stuck painting ice cream
2005-05-18 7:29 pm

painting was great today. i took what had been an crappy painting from last week and made it a less crappy painting! YAY!

meanwhile, i think im hungry but im unsure. what do i do about this? i was thinking of getting a medium (or small?) coffee oreo ice cream at jp licks. however, im not certain id like to leave my apartment.

omg, ive been cleaning out junk today. what a freaking pack rat i am. ive gone through all my stationary and received greeting cards and tossed a bunch of stuff. ive also decided to donate many of my stickers to my sister. i hope she will appreciate them as much as i have.

here's a question for ya:
why the hell do people buy postcards on vacation if they just stuff them in their desk? if someone can tell me why i like to spend insane amounts of money on postcards just so i can lug them around the world as i move, let me know. also, if anyone would like some postcards from seattle, philly, london, or boston PLEASE let me know. im happy to mail them to you (unused).

what else...
how long do moths live? ive had a moth flying around my apartment for weeks, and im pretty damn sure its the same moth. i have no intention of killing the little bugger, but it is getting on my nerves a bit with all the fluttering around. plus im concerned its gonna eat my sweaters.

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the sound of silence

7 8

weather or not - 2006-03-07
My Flight - 2006-03-02
poetree in motion - 2006-02-28
ultimate personality test - 2006-02-25
limerick e-trip - 2006-02-22

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