my pagan familiar is a sea otter?
2004-11-12 10:04 am

well, depending on whose quiz i take, my pagan familiar (spiritual animal companion) is either a sea otter or a cat. See description and pictures below.

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Your familiar is a Sea Otter!
You go have fun and be silly now, enjoy yourself...:)

What is your Pagan Familiar?
brought to you by Quizilla

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You're a cat!
You are independant, mysterious, and often motivated by your own schemes and designs. Though you have a sense of loyalty, your only true loyalty is to yourself. You are nocturnal by nature, at least that's when you're most creative, but you can be found during the day as well, usually relaxing.

What pagan familiar are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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in her article on, Terri Paajanen says that any "animal of any species can present itself as your familiar." the form of your familiar could be "a message in itself, and may be completely unexpected."

Terri also says "Familiars can fill many different roles in your life, including that of teacher, friend, healer or assistant."

It's also possible for your familiar to be an "astral familiar" with whom you would do work through dreams or meditation.

Terri also says that its possible for your familiar to find you when you need them (rather than you seeking them out) and to leave when you no longer need them. of course, you may not know that their work with you is complete!

i realize now that my meow growing up was my familiar. she was a tiny kitten when we got her, i was a tiny human (age 2). she was killed by a pack of neighborhood dogs when i was 14.

it was the most devastating loss of my life, and it was only a couple years ago that i finally was able to let go of that pain. although, to be honest, much is called up as i acknowledge her role in my spiritual development.

we definately had a "psychic" connection. its hard to describe the relationship without sounding like a nut-case. but truly, we had an unspoken understanding with each other. there were things we just knew without needing words.

i do believe that my astral familiar is a dragon - this is my chinese zodiac sign. and perhaps i shall do more connnecting with this entity.

meanwhile, i miss my meow.

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