2004-09-28 10:10 am

sometimes i surprise myself.

sometimes i surprise other people.


last night i dreampt that my stupid fckg dad was really pissing me off. thats typical. he does piss me off. and we havent even talked in 10 fckg years. funny how someone you havent talked in the last 1/3 of your life can still piss you off.



i was staying at my grams house, the farm in Snohomish, and different family members were dropping by or staying there too.

it seems like maybe it was some kind of holiday. the table was set and grams was doing all kinds of cooking.

my dad was sitting in this chair in the kitchen, looking at this plate with a turkey or tree on it.

i cant remember what he did that pissed me off so much. maybe it was just his mere presence. that is certainly enough for most people.

my guess is that he said a variety of stupid pig-headed things, just like in real life.


note: a headache is a good caugh suppressant


fckity fck fck faaaaaaaaaaaaaahck.

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